Collecting Unpaid HOA Fees
Tuesday, 18 May 2021
Owning a property in an HOA development imparts an obligation to pay fees. This is a condition of ownership. The HOA can take measures to collect unpaid fees that can even include foreclosure. The basis for the HOA’s collections policy should be laid out in detail in the bylaws. These should describe the steps that
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Challenging Assessed HOA Dues
Tuesday, 18 May 2021
An HOA generally has the ability to assess dues within reason according to their bylaws. Of course, homeowners will not be happy about dues increases, and they may even challenge the hike. While an HOA may do its best to plan its budget and remain with it, there may be times that it must take
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Resolving Conflicts Between Homeowners and an HOA
Tuesday, 18 May 2021
HOA disputes can get bitter and end up in court. This is the last thing that anyone wants, given the expense and the hostility involved. The parties could consider alternative dispute resolution (ADR) as a faster and less contentious way to settle issues. The benefit of ADR is that it is not a court. This
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Delinquent Dues During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Monday, 11 January 2021
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues into 2021, many people are still facing continuing financial struggles. Condo and homeowners can easily be included in those dealing with unemployment, underemployment, business failures or underperformance, medical bills, and more. When dealing with any of these, it is easy to imagine how people can fall behind on their HOA
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